How to Run Google Analytics Content Experiments on WordPress

Do you know if your website is doing as well as it should be? Do you know if you chose the best text for your CTA button? Or if your headline isn’t performing as well as possible?

Unless you’re regularly testing different versions of your site – the simple truth is that you can’t know because you don’t have the data to know. To get that data – or at least to come closer to the right answer – you can run A/B tests to compare different versions of your site and see which performs better.

Many WordPress users can’t figure out how to run A/B tests on WordPress, though. Or, they can’t afford the premium tools that make A/B tests easy.

To help solve the problem, I’m going to show you how to run Google Analytics Content Experiments on WordPress for an easy, and free, way to split test your WordPress site.
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8 Helpful WordPress Analytics Plugins That Aren’t All Named Google Analytics

You’ve got a WordPress website – congrats! Now you need to figure out how to make your website better. And part of doing that is learning more about your content and your visitors. Figuring out what content is the most popular, where your visitors are coming from, what they’re clicking on…

That all helps build a more successful website.

But if you want to do that on WordPress, you’re going to need help. That’s where WordPress analytics plugins come in. And that’s also where most WordPress blogs rattle off a list of Google Analytics plugins and call it a day.

To avoid that, I’m going to spend this post covering a variety of WordPress analytics plugins. Yes – one of those plugins deals with Google Analytics – but the rest open up new analytics options you might not have known about.

*Note – I’m going to refer to all of these as “plugins” because they all offer a dedicated WordPress plugin. But a few of these tools are technically SaaS products. The plugin terminology is used for simplicity.

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