30+ Best BuddyPress themes

To say social media has taken the internet by storm is a bit of an understatement. Everything from FaceBook to Instagram plays some role in our daily lives, be it personal or professional. Naturally, this integration of social media is also felt in technology, software, and website development. My point is, WordPress is no stranger to it, because that’s why BuddyPress exists.

BuddyPress is what it sounds like, something for buddies. Well, that’s still a simplification; BuddyPress is a large-scale plugin for WordPress which emphasizes social media connectivity. You know, SnapChat, Google Plus, YouTube, FaceBook, and the other hundreds of social media apps you’ve never heard of. It’s not just for liking stolen jokes and funny cat pictures, however. BuddyPress plays a real role in the professional world, acting as a directory base for things like job listings, portfolios, and connecting with names and resources.

If you haven’t guessed, BuddyPress is my topic for today. I’m going to show you the many themes associated with the plugin and show you the best of the best, all thirty of them.

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