WooCommerce vs Shopify: Which eCommerce Platform Is Best?

If you’re gearing up to launch an eCommerce store, there’s a good chance you’re bouncing back and forth between the decision to go with either WooCommerce or Shopify.

And that makes perfect sense – according to data from Built With, WooCommerce (42%) and Shopify (7%) are the two most common eCommerce solutions across the entire Internet.

So you’re looking at two popular, successful eCommerce platforms…which should you pick when it comes to WooCommerce vs Shopify?

That’s what we’ll get into in this post. And here’s how we’re going to do it:

Rather than focusing on individual features, we’re going to take a more high-level approach and lay out specific situations for when you want to use each platform. We’ll still talk about specific features and rules as part of that – but this post is not going to be a nitty-gritty feature comparison.

Before we get to that, though, let’s make one thing clear…

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