From real products and digital downloads to subscriptions, content and even your time, you’ll be able to set up a WooCommerce store to sell worldwide. We’re going to look at ten beautiful modern designs using WooCommerce to make serious money.

Ab Aeterno
A clean classy looking site from this Italian watch-maker. Nice use of white space and serif typography emphasize the premium nature of their products.
Bear and Lemon
Fun and bold, this striking site features some wonderful imagery and chunky type which complements their brand nicely.
This is a cracking looking eCommerce site from German coffee brand J. Hornig. Blending sharp typography and sharp imagery, coffee naturally lends itself to shots which tempt the senses and taste buds.
Northern Lighting
Scandinavian design aesthetic is pretty evident from this Norwegian brand – I love the calming use of white space and the chunky Circular font is perfectly matched with a serif for sub headings.
Nourished Journal
This is a digital publication focusing on healthy living, interviews with inspiring individuals, recipes, travel stories and practical information on health and wellbeing. As you’d except from such a site, the site is clean and easy to browse, allowing you to purchase the current magazine as well as past issues.
With images this good it’s no wonder that they’re front and center in this French fashion site. Patrons keeps it simple, letting their products do the talking, just as they should.
The Cooking Academy
I like the structure of this homepage – they’ve done away with any large image or slider and instead focused on their three key call to action sections as the first thing a visitor sees. Certainly worth exploring, they’ve included some excellent photography throughout also.
Toca Boca
A deceptively simple site from Toca Boca with loads of little fun touches, ideal for a kid’s store. I love the palette, the hover affects in the navigation and the cute animated characters scattered throughout. A brilliant site well worth studying and learning from.
You can almost smell the leather from Wootten’s website. They give equal weighting for the process behind hand-making their products and the products themselves. It helps emphasize the love and care they give to their craft.
Vers Audio
Lots of nice touches with this one. I really like the brown hues used throughout, emphasizing the wood used in their audio equipment. A very natural, organic experience which the design imitates.
Looking for a quality WooCommerce theme?
Check out the excellent Adrenalin and Suave themes, they’ll both give you a great head-start with an excellent design and easy-to-use theme options so you can make it your own.