Gutenberg vs Elementor: Comparing The New WordPress Block Editor To Elementor

Put down your pitchforks, hardcore WordPress users – we know that comparing Gutenberg vs Elementor isn’t the fairest of fights. These two editors are at different stages in their development and have different focuses.

But here’s the thing:

Not everyone is a power user who’s been closely following the development of the new WordPress block editor (dubbed “Gutenberg”). Some people just want a page builder because it lets them add some extra styling to their posts and pages.

And once WordPress 5.0 ships, a lot of normal WordPress users are going to be wondering how Gutenberg and Elementor stack up and which tool is right for them (if you’re reading this post, you might well be one of those folks!).

Well, we have the WordPress 5.0 Release Candidate as well as the latest version of Elementor on our test site. So…let’s find out.

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How To Set Up A Flexible WordPress Appointment Bookings Site With EDD Bookings

Need a way to accept appointment bookings on your WordPress site?

In this post, you’ll learn how to set up a flexible appointment bookings system based on Easy Digital Downloads and the recently revamped EDD Bookings plugin.

For this tutorial, we’ll focus on the use case of using EDD Bookings, alongside our Clinic Pro theme, to create an appointment booking system for a dentist. With that being said, the principles in this tutorial are by no means limited to that use case.

One of the perks of EDD Bookings is its flexibility, so you can really use it for…pretty much any type of booking. Medical clinics, personal trainers, location rentals, spas…it’s all fair game.

Keep reading for an easy step-by-step tutorial!

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How To Install Cloudflare On WordPress The Right Way

Want to install Cloudflare on your WordPress site? Cloudflare offers a lot of benefits in one neat (and free) package.

Not only do you get a content delivery network to speed up global delivery of your assets, but you also get DNS management, DDoS protection, and lots of other security features that you can use to keep your site safe.

In this post, I’ll show you how to install Cloudflare on your WordPress site and then go through some additional WordPress-specific configurations at Cloudflare to create the optimal partnership.

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GeoDirectory Review: How To Create A Local Business Directory On WordPress

There are a lot of businesses out there in the world and people need a way to find them. You can use WordPress to build a site to help people do that…if you have the right tool.

GeoDirectory just might be that tool. It helps you create a local business directory using WordPress. You can list different places, divide them up into categories, and let people search for them on a handy map.

And in my GeoDirectory review, I’ll show you how it works and help you decide whether it’s the right tool to help you create a local business directory with WordPress.

Overall, it’s remarkably easy to get started with for a plugin of its depth, and I’m a big fan of all the built-in SEO settings it includes to help your directory rank higher in the SERPs.

Let’s dive in and take a closer look.

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WP Rocket Review: A 47% Faster Website. Is It Worth Paying For?

You need your WordPress site to load fast. In my WP Rocket review, I’ll show you how WP Rocket can help you achieve that – it sped up my test site by 47%, which is pretty dang awesome.

This plugin offers an all-in-one approach to WordPress performance optimization that manages to remain beginner-friendly while still offering deeper functionality that advanced users will love.

It also got a huge facelift with WP Rocket 3.0, and my review is current to those changes.

Keep reading for a look at some real performance test data, a tour of the brand new, redesigned WP Rocket 3.0 interface, and my thoughts on whether it’s worth shelling out for a premium WordPress cache plugin when there are so many quality free plugins available.

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