Metorik Review: Better WooCommerce Reporting and Management

Have you ever heard a WooCommerce user say, “wow, I love the built-in WooCommerce reporting functionality?”.

I don’t mean to rag on WooCommerce. But let’s face it:

The default reporting and customer/order management features aren’t that great, especially when you compare them to something like Shopify.

In fact, reporting is a common pain point for WooCommerce stores, which is what led Bryce Adams, a former developer at Automattic/WooCommerce, to launch Metorik.

Metorik is a web app that easily connects to your WooCommerce store and provides a much more robust reporting and management interface.

In my Metorik review, I’ll tell you a bit more about what it does and give you a look around the Metorik dashboard.

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Jilt Review: Send Cart Abandonment Emails for WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads

Did you know that, on average, 69.23% of shoppers who add an item to their cart end up not actually purchasing that item?

That’s shocking, right? I mean – I’m definitely shocked.

You spend so much time and effort getting people to your store so that they’ll actually click the Add to Cart button. Then, 69.23% of those people never even complete their order. Ouch!

Jilt aims to change that. It’s a cart abandonment plugin/app for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads (and Shopify, if that’s your thing).

Basically, Jilt tries to help you convince some of the people who abandon their cart to come back and make a purchase by sending smartly timed cart abandonment emails.

There’s pretty good data to back up the idea that cart abandonment emails are a good strategy. But just how easy does Jilt make it to send cart abandonment emails on WordPress? That’s what I aim to find out in my Jilt review.

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How to Run Google Analytics Content Experiments on WordPress

Do you know if your website is doing as well as it should be? Do you know if you chose the best text for your CTA button? Or if your headline isn’t performing as well as possible?

Unless you’re regularly testing different versions of your site – the simple truth is that you can’t know because you don’t have the data to know. To get that data – or at least to come closer to the right answer – you can run A/B tests to compare different versions of your site and see which performs better.

Many WordPress users can’t figure out how to run A/B tests on WordPress, though. Or, they can’t afford the premium tools that make A/B tests easy.

To help solve the problem, I’m going to show you how to run Google Analytics Content Experiments on WordPress for an easy, and free, way to split test your WordPress site.
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How to Automatically Share Content on Social Media The Right Way

If you’re publishing new content on the regular, I’m betting you want people to actually see it, right?

Ok, that’s a silly question. Unless you’re a unicorn – you probably created a website because you wanted to get it in front of the world’s collective eyeballs.

Well, in addition to a bunch of other methods, sharing your content on social media is one of the best ways to do just that.

But here’s the rub:

Most people are so busy actually creating content, that the last thing they want to do is spend even more time sharing that content on social media.

So, to help you out, I’m going to dedicate this post to showing you how to automatically share content on social media. Then, to stop you from becoming the social media equivalent of a robot, I’ll share some tips to automate without annoying your followers.

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15 Examples of Highly Successful WordPress Businesses

Do you hear those rumblings? That’s the sound of the slow shifting of the WordPress economy…

In the past few months, Automattic has made forays into areas they’ve traditionally left to others with the addition of themes in Jetpack and third-party plugins for Business plans. In both cases, those changes caused consternation among existing WordPress businesses worried about Automattic’s encroachment into niches previously left untapped.

Tack on debate over how the new Gutenberg Editor will handle existing plugin and theme functionality and there’s no doubt that there are tectonic shifts going on underneath the WordPress economy.

But while that may be the case, there are still plenty of healthy, vibrant businesses that are built on WordPress. And in this post, we want to share some of our favorites to remind everyone that you can still build a successful business in WordPress.

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